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Abby Rosmarin
pause ............ before responding (something unexpected might emerge)
Challenging times continue. We are in a global high anxiety state and that has created some painful tension in relationships and...

Abby Rosmarin
Co-parenting during COVID-19
It is a difficult time. The brevity of that statement belies the complex and novel circumstances that many of us are experiencing. While...

Abby Rosmarin
Parenting Coordination
Parenting coordination can help parents make necessary parenting decisions. A parenting coordinator works with parents to: 1. Create...

Abby Rosmarin
Mediation: Mutual Problem Solving
Cooperative behavior and the ability to read intentions of other people are increasingly believed by social psychologists, I think, to be...

Abby Rosmarin
Family Support of a Discharge Plan
Hospital discharge plans can be compromised because of lack of family support. This can create the condition for multiple admissions and...
Abby Rosmarin
Estate Communciation
A recent NY Times article, When a Will Divides an Estate, and Also Divides a Family, highlights the value of facilitated family...
Abby Rosmarin
Uniform Adult Guardianship Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act Signed into Law.
The UAGPPJA provides a set of uniform rules that address jurisdiction and related issues in adult guardianship cases where multiple...
Abby Rosmarin
Elder Abuse: Mickey Rooney's Testimony and More
According to the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA ), types of elder abuse falls into seven different categories: (1) physical; (2)...

Abby Rosmarin
Family Conversations About Money
Family conversations about money are often difficult to have. Our relationship with money has deep ties to personal values, which may...
Abby Rosmarin
Elder Mediation in a Nutshell
I was excited to see the article on elder mediation in the Wall Street Journal, A Referee for Family Disputes by Anne Tergesen. This...
Abby Rosmarin
Sandwiched Boomers
On New Year’s Day 2011, the first of the baby boomer generation turned 65. In its New Year’s edition, the New York Times cited a Pew...
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