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Abby Rosmarin
The best way to predict the future is to create it . ( Attributed to Abraham Lincoln, although Lincoln scholars have no proof of...

Abby Rosmarin
pause ............ before responding (something unexpected might emerge)
Challenging times continue. We are in a global high anxiety state and that has created some painful tension in relationships and...

Abby Rosmarin
When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom’d, And the great star early droop’d in the western sky in the night, I mourn’d, and yet shall...

Abby Rosmarin
Change —— Let it Go ? ! ? !
No matter how accomplished we are, how planned our life has been, how generous or kind we are, at some point we will have to address...

Abby Rosmarin
I recently saw a performance at the Public Theater about Joan D' Arc. (Written by David Byrne of Talking Heads). It got me thinking about...

Abby Rosmarin
Change is the only constant
Change is the only constant Heraclitus Change is inevitable and is by its very nature not static. As such, are in a perpetual...

Abby Rosmarin
When is the Right Time to Make a Change?
Now. This is your time. Time. What is time? It is often thought of as the interval between two events measured in units – perhaps as...

Abby Rosmarin
Multitasking or Mindfulness?
In the March/ April 2012 issue of Scientific American Mind, there is a fascinating article entitled “Supertaskers and the Multitasking...
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